
Study by the University of Hohenheim and the ZPID: misinformation about wind farms is widely accepted. This is more due to worldviews than a lack of knowledge.

Two Open Access Journals from the "PsychOpen GOLD" platform of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) included in esteemed index

Mark Jonas from ZPID has defended his doctoral thesis

New Open-Access-Journal launches on PsychOpen GOLD

Acoustic coupler in the exhibition "Cast-off. Forgotten Everyday Objects and Their Stories"

Lisa Spitzer from the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) has successfully defended her thesis

Niyati Thakur from the Leibniz Institute of Psychology (ZPID) has defended her doctoral thesis

Talks at the School of Psychology at the University of Kent

Six new open access tests were already published in 2024

ZPID running team at the Trierer Firmenlauf

Extreme opinions can be countered

Director of the ZPID is PhD supervisor

Call for Papers from the Zeitschrift für Psychologie

Leibniz Association stands for immovable values of society

Project For SynData started

Renowned Social Psychologist is relocating to Trier from Tübingen

Participate and take part in a lottery on 50 euros

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) now also carries its acronym in its logo

PsychArchives now offers the option of sharing content exclusively with peer-reviewers before archiving it

PsychOpen GOLD calls for Proposals of Diamond Open Access Journals in Psychology

Successful event series continues

Finale Program is published

Conference of Experimental Psychologists

Europe’s Journal of Psychology (EJOP) at 4th Symposium on Big Data and Research Synthesis in Psychology

Help by Manual and Online-Tutorial

PsychArchives now makes former PsyDok content available

Online colloquium for interested persons

In 2023 ZPID will present its fourth Twin Conference that integrates two essential fields of rising relevance: Big Data and Research Synthesis.

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) is pleased to announce the launch of a brand new journal on its PsychOpen GOLD platform: Global Environmental Psychology (GEP)

Topics: Workplace health and Dysfunctional Attitudes in depressive patients.

Presentation of the award in Hildesheim

New features: topic evolution

Information services at the international congress in Ljubljana

The audit berufundfamilie (audit workandfamily) has once again been awarded to the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID).

ZPID supports research on social aspects in the Corona pandemic

50 years of psychological information and documentation at the University of Trier

New portal for the publication and subsequent use of psychological research data

Lecture Series on Open Science 

Lisa Spitzer and Stefanie Müller will present their study on the comparability of eye-trackers at the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) 2022 in Seattle.

Presentation of the German Psychology Prize 2021 to Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch rescheduled for late summer 2022

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology began its work in 1972

Wonder how to make your data sustainable? Register for the D-Psy-FAIR workshop now!

Prof. Dr. Claudia Dalbert becomes acting director of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)

Presenting PsychArchives with a fresh design and new functionalities

Cornelia Betsch, winner of the German Psychology Prize 2021 and member of ZPID's advisory board appointed to the German government's Corona expert council

ZPID’s Lisa Spitzer awarded 3rd place for teaching

Presentation of the German Psychology Prize 2021 to Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch rescheduled for spring 2022

Cooperation of the Open Test Archive with GESIS and DIPF

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology is excited to announce a free hands-on workshop on data documentation in psychology. It will take place virtually either on the 18th or on the 19th of November. The online event for researchers in psychology and related fields at all stages in their career will be held in Zoom.

Have you tried PsychLab yet? PsychLab is ZPID’s service for funding the data collection of your preregistered study.

ZPID offers the legally and technically optimized publication of content for purely scientific use. Data publishers receive precise insights into the subsequent use of their material.

Sharing opportunities, challenges, and requirements for research with available data in the social sciences, education, and economics - that's what the online Barcamp Open Data on September 21, 2021, is all about.

The German Society for Online Research selects this year's winner of the Best Paper Award, which is endowed with 500 euros.

After a successful relaunch, the website is now offering an even broader range of information for the interested public, students, and psychologists involved in scientific research and professional practice.

Dr. Anita Chasiotis from ZPID was involved in the process. Public event in live stream on June 23, 6.30 pm.

Dr. Katarina Blask, operational manager of the Research Data Center (RDC) at ZPID, has been appointed to the editorial board of the "Journal of Open Psychology Data" (JOPD).

PsychOpen GOLD has implemented an innovation so that authors can publish their research faster.

Three semesters of "Studying during the Pandemic" have massively changed both everyday life and learning. This is the finding of a survey of students enrolled at the University of Trier.

The University of Trier joins forces with ZPID to launch the "Studying in the Pandemic" survey.

German Psychology Prize 2021 is awarded to Prof. Cornelia Betsch

PsychOpen CAMA gives researchers the opportunity to replicate and extend meta-analyses.

Another PsychOpen GOLD journal will be indexed by this international database.

Federal Minister of Education and Research, Anja Karliczek, has announced the establishment of two new German Centers for Health Research. The ZPID will be actively involved in one of them.

PsychOpen GOLD is able to support several new journals. Editors willing to start or transform a journal in a "diamond" open access model are welcome to apply now.

The fifth edition of the "Hotspots in Psychology" format is devoted to systematic reviews and meta-analyses in research-active fields that have generated a considerable number of primary studies.

The ZPID has developed an extension for the "Open Journal Systems (OJS)" that enables single sign-on (e.g., ORCID or Google) to the OJS. The code is freely available.

The American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychological Society (BPS), and German Psychological Society (DGPs) partnered with Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) and Center for Open Science (COS) to create Preregistration Standards for Quantitative Research in Psychology.

Contributing his expertise in data collection, ZPID director Prof. Michael Bosnjak has been appointed to the advisory board of a gender comparative survey of victims on exposure to violence.

The Zeitschrift für Psychologie has a new editor-in-chief. ZPID director Prof. Michael Bosnjak has taken over the task from Prof. Edgar Erdfelder.

ZPID supports the preregistration of studies, giving researchers the opportunity to verify that their studies have been conducted and analyzed as planned. The step to preregister at ZPID has now been simplified by a new function.

Following our most recent update, PSYNDEX Tests contains more than 8,200 documented test procedures in its database.

ZPID's Lisa Spitzer held a workshop on preregistration in psychology at AIMOS2020, the conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science. ZPID provides the recording of the presentation.

ZPID's Lisa Spitzer held a workshop on preregistration in psychology at AIMOS2020, the conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science. ZPID provides the recording of the presentation.

Dr. Anita Chasiotis, research associate at ZPID, has been invited to take part in the task group "Quality, Evaluation and Impact Measurement in Science Communication" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The aim of this issue is to give an insight into selected research projects at ZPID.

In 2021 ZPID will present its third Twin Conference that integrates two essential fields of rising relevance: Big Data and Research Synthesis. The conference will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, from May 17 until May 21.

Data sharing has become an increasingly important aspect of good scientific practice. At CSPD2020, December 7 and 8, 2020, best practices and new developments targeted at data curation and quality assurance mechanisms in psychology shall be discussed.

Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (IF=1.242 ), published at PsychOpen GOLD, is now included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Dr. Tom Rosman, Head of "Research Literacy and User-Friendly Research Support" at ZPID, has become Associate Editor at one of the biggest sections of the peer-reviewed journal "Frontiers in Psychology".

Moving forward, the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information will now be known as the Leibniz Institute for Psychology. The Rhineland-Palatinate State Parliament approved this resolution on October 7, 2020. This change will take effect after its publication in the Rhineland-Palatinate Gazette of Law and Ordinances.

The project for the process-oriented development of management instruments for research data in their life cycle - PODMAN for short - has come to an end. The project team is now presenting the results in its final report.

The regional groups of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia in the German Association of Psychologists are jointly organizing the Day of Psychology this year - online. ZPID's Dr. Tom Rosman will participate with a presentation on Open Science.

All 29 volumes of the Yearbook of Music Psychology that have been published so far are now available on ZPID’s open access platform PsychOpen. In the yearbook, specialist articles from all subject areas of music psychology are published.

The German Psychological Society (DGPs) has revised its recommendations on the management and provision of research data in psychology. Services offered by ZPID will assist in the practical implementation of these recommendations.

ZPID is represented with various contributions at General Online Research 2020 and supports the conference as a sponsor. This year GOR will take place as a virtual conference only.

The annual Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium (CBTS 2020), this time hosted in Trier (Germany), offers the opportunity to listen to international keynote speakers and present your own research.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a new Priority Programme (DFG SPP 2317 "META-REP") headed by LMU Munich Psychology-Professor Dr. Mario Gollwitzer. ZPID is an infrastructure partner.

In view of the spread of COVID-19 the Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA) teams up with scientists to combat the crisis. ZPID supports the project by collecting data online in nine countries around the globe.

Literature, tests, interventions, trends: Easy access to publication references, research aids, and information on all aspects of psychology can be found at the new PSYNDEX database Website.

The family demographic panel "FReDA" was launched at the beginning of this year to facilitate research on changes in families. ZPID director, Prof. Dr. Michael Bosnjak, will accompany the project as an advisory board member.

The German Joint Science Conference has announced its decision to fund the Consortium for the Social, Behavioural, Educational, and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD) as a founding consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure. One of the partners is ZPID.

Following our most recent update, PSYNDEX Tests contains more than 8,000 documented test procedures in its database.

In a video conference, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Science, Prof. Dr. Konrad Wolf, has learned about the current projects of ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information in the Corona Crisis.

In ZPID's repository PsychArchives a dataset is freely accessible that depicts the lockdown measures in Germany.

A team of six ZPID researchers suspect that COVID-19-related economic worries will superimpose the health worries in the near future, which may reduce acceptance of social distancing measures. Data from the German COSMO survey is used to investigate their claims in a prospective study.

A preregistered meta-analysis on the association between weight stigma and mental health which appeared in the journal Obesity Reviews is one of the top downloaded in the publisher’s recent history. ZPID director Michael Bosnjak is one of the co-authors.

The aim of this issue is to give an insight into selected research work at ZPID, which has been reorienting itself since mid-2017.

ZPID and LMU Munich are investigating the behavior of smartphone use in a so-called PhoneStudy to better understand human experience and behavior in everyday life.

The PSYNDEX database is searched extensively - also via the PubPsych platform - to identify relevant literature sources on coping with the corona virus crisis.

ZPID's Tom Rosman and two other researchers have investigated whether university students perceive the discipline of biology as more absolute and less multiplistic than the discipline of psychology. The paper is now available.

Social Science Computer Review has published several Big Data contributions from ZPID's Research Synthesis Conference including Big Data in Psychology Pre-Conference Symposium 2019 in Dubrovnik.

Productive exchange and several publications, one awarded - the evidence-based survey methodology project between ZPID and Slovenian researchers from the University of Ljubljana has been a success.

PsyCuraDat aims at the development of a user-oriented documentation standard for psychological research data considering the different requirements of researchers in their role as contributors and users of these data. First results are now available.

In times of "fake news" it becomes increasingly important to evaluate information for its credibility. People act very differently in this regard. Whether such attitudes can be changed was investigated in the MEPIC project.

ZPID has unveiled an ORCID-based single sign-on service for its users, which will allow them to sign in and gain access to all ZPID services. A separate account is not required.

How do people perceive the corona risk, what protective measures do they know and apply and what sources do they use to obtain information? This is what an international consortium led by Prof. Cornelia Betsch, University of Erfurt, is monitoring. ZPID is part of the project.

With two contributions ZPID is part of the Open Science Conference in Berlin. As a public open science institute, the conference is of great interest to ZPID.

ZPID's test archive will be called Open Test Archive. Its web presence is also new.

The editors of the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (JIOS) have named ZPID director Prof. Michael Bosnjak as new Editorial Board member. The appointment will start March 1, 2020.

ZPID is currently building a platform that will enable the replication and extension of meta-analyses. The initial study protocol documenting this project is now available in PsychArchives.

Stakeholders in data curation are meeting at the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) in Dublin at the moment. ZPID was part of it presenting its data management tool DataWiz.

A special issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie on open science has been published recently. An associated conference was held at ZPID.

ZPID supports this year's DGOF Best Paper Award. Recipients of this year's award are: Felix Henninger, Yury Shevchenko, Ulf K. Mertens, Pascal J. Kieslich, and Benjamin E. Hilbig.

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) has released the 26th updated edition of its Directory of Test Procedures comprising 7,979 currently available test records in the database segment, PSYNDEX Tests.

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information organizes a symposium on the topic of "intensive longitudinal data" (ILD). Deadline for submissions is February 15.

ZPID's PsychTopics, a Shiny App for exploring research topics and trends in psychology, has been updated.

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information receives additional funding in order to expand its services. Beginning in 2020 the institute will get an additional basic funding of approximately one million euro per year.

Following our most recent update, PSYNDEX Tests contains more than 8,000 documented test procedures in its database.

War crimes are acts of extreme violence. Prof. Thomas Elbert contributed with his work to break the circle of excessive aggression. Due to this fact he is honored with the German Psychology Prize 2019. ZPID is one of the sponsors.

DAAD funds an exchange program between ZPID and the University of Ljubljana. One publication resulting from this exchange has received the Slovenian Research Agency's award "Excellent in Science 2019: Most Outstanding Research Achievements in Inspiration to the Younger Generation".

For psychologists, sensor data are a highly interesting source for objectively measuring behaviour beyond the usual questionnaire studies. ZPID exchanges experiences with cooperation partners on how this relatively new data source can be used to answer exciting research questions.

The new EAPP journal Personality Science will be published by ZPID's PsychOpen GOLD.

Dr. Stefanie Müller, head of Study Planning, Data Collection, and Data Analysis Services at ZPID, will explain the conditions under which ZPID can offer free data collection.

ZPID Director Prof. Michael Bosnjak has been appointed as member to the Methods Advisory Board (2020-2023) of the European Social Survey ERIC.

Another PsychOpen GOLD journal will be indexed by this international database.

Professor Dr. M. Joseph (Joe) Sirgy has visited ZPID in Trier for a replicability talk. His presentation about well-being is available as a video.

To aid psychologists in reaching larger audiences, In-Mind Magazine organizes the workshop "Writing and Communicating with the General Public" at ZPID in Trier.

Scientists studying punishment might be interested in contributing to a Special Issue of the Zeitschrift für Psychologie. ZPID may support authors with collecting the data for their respective study.

Europe's Journal of Psychology (EJOP) has had a relaunch. Not only the look is new.

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information offers the academic community in psychology a unique collection of free services that facilitate their work. Learn more about them and join one of several ZPID roadshow events starting soon.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a research group headed by Trier Psychology Professor Dr. Christian Frings. ZPID is an infrastructure partner.

CPE is the official academic journal of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT). It is published at ZPID's PsychOpen GOLD.

ZPID has been honored for its strategically designed family and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. Federal Minister Dr. Franziska Giffey awarded the certificate in Berlin.

Researchers interested in research synthesis methods and big data in psychology have met in Dubrovnik, Croatia from May 27 until May 31. Keynote talks and presentation slides are now available.

Containing nearly 200 psychological tests, this archive is one of the largest repositories of German-language tests.

In Frankfurt, specialists from the fields of psychology and educational sciences met to discuss new developments within their branch. ZPID presented its information services.

Summing up the CLUBS project: A final workshop on cross lingual information retrieval (CLIR) took place at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Saarbrücken.

Following our most recent update, PSYNDEX Tests contains more than 7,800 documented test procedures in its database.

The Psychological Assessment Board of the Federation of German Psychologists' Associations provides information on the copyright regulations and test protection standards for tests utilized in teaching and research.

PsychArchives presents digital research objects such as data, publications and code in context.

A movie as cliffhanger, a discussion revolving around the question which changes the protagonists desire within the system of academic publishing.

The PubPsych information portal has improved full-text supply for its users.

What has and what has not yet been achieved after the replication crisis in psychology? That was one issue of the Open Science Conference 2019 hosted by ZPID in Trier. Slides and videos of the conference are now available.

At ZPID the work on the project "PsyCuraDat" has started. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports the development of user-oriented curation criteria for psychological research data for three years.

The Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, visited the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information and informed herself about ZPID's work and services.

The aim of CPE is to become one of the leading journals of clinical psychology and psychological treatments in Europe. It is published at ZPID’s PsychOpen GOLD.

ZPID advocates preregistration of studies. At the Open Science Conference in Berlin, ZPID presented its offer.

Three days of information exchange about online research: The General Online Research Conference (GOR) took place in Cologne. ZPID was sponsor of the poster award and represented itself with a presentation.

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) introduced its PsychArchives psychology repository at the annual RDA Germany meeting.

ZPID participates for the first time in awarding the German Psychology Prize this year.

The preliminary program for the Research Synthesis 2019 Conference which includes a Pre-Conference Symposium on "Big Data in Psychology" is now available.

ZPID has continued its bibliography series on emotion regulation. The third volume is about the development and socialization of the ability to regulate feelings.

ZPID offers the academic community in psychology a unique collection of services that facilitate their work. Learn more about them and host a ZPID roadshow event in your institution. Applications are now possible.

Research with big data in psychology is still relatively young. ZPID has made it its mission and now has a head of the department: Dr. Holger Steinmetz.

ZPID has published online the 25th updated edition of the Directory of Test Procedures with 7,757 test procedures from the database segment PSYNDEX Tests.

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information in Trier was evaluated positively. The Senate of the Leibniz Association recommends the continued grant for the institute.

Corinna Brauner from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) is doing research on working time and health. At ZPID - Leibniz Institute of Psychology Information she gave some insights into her research work.

The eSciences service center of the University of Trier and ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information call for abstracts. The reason is a conference on the management of research data.

ZPID is working on becoming a universal service provider for psychology and is one step further. Under the direction of Dr. Stefanie Mueller, work has begun on setting up an online and offline lab: PsychLab.

Success for the team of the "Cross-lingual Bibliographic Search" (CLUBS) project, in which ZPID is involved. The team delivered the best paper presentation at the Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR).

PsychOpen GOLD is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE).

This year's event at ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information focused on the Theory of Planned Behavior.

ZPID took part in this year's "Tag der Psychologie" (Day of Psychology) as a cooperation partner. The event is organized by the Association of German Professional Psychologists (BDP).

The German Psychological Society, the Hogrefe Publishing Group, and ZPID have entered a partnership to foster research transparency, reproducibility, and replicability in Psychology, encompassing a comprehensive and interrelated set of open science offerings.

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) participates in Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) with presentations and lots of information.

Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter is the new chairwoman, her deputy is Prof. Dr. Andreas Glöckner.

Keynote talks by Icek Ajzen and Peter Schmidt. Registration is open until October 10, 2018.

ZPID has created two new bibliographies - one about gaming disorders, the other about the transition to school.

Dr. Nora Umbach from IWM was guest at ZPID and spoke about research data management at her institute. Her presentation is available on video.

The third version of the Test Evaluation System represents a significant step forward in quality assurance and optimization in psychological test diagnostics.

The further development of the DataWiz data management system is assured. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved a follow-up application by ZPID. 

The members are asked to make recommendations on how health reporting and health monitoring in Germany can be further developed.

In October, psychologist Icek Ajzen will come to Trier, Germany, for a conference. Authors who wish to present at the conference are invited to submit a structured abstract until August 15, 2018.

DataWiz is ZPID's research data management tool that helps scientists prepare and document their data. Dr. Erich Weichselgartner, ZPID's Deputy Director, will be conducting a workshop at the University of Mannheim to explain the many features and uses.

As the Open Science movement globally gains more and more momentum, the tools and services of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) supporting open science practices increasingly revel in international recognition. 

A conference on text and data mining - TDM for short - took place at the University of Trier. ZPID participated in the session "Who 'owns' the text and data corpus?".

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) had organized the two conferences from June 7-12 at its seat in Trier, Germany.

Michael Bosnjak's invited talk at Freie Universität Berlin will place the research methods in the current open science debate.

It is already the second journal, published by PsychOpen GOLD, that is now covered by the American Psychological Associations' database PsycINFO. 

ZPID Director Michael Bosnjak met Wiebke Esdar, SPD member of the Bundestag, at the "Leibniz im Bundestag" event.

With the current update, over 7,600 test procedures are now verified in the PSYNDEX tests database segment.

Registration is still open for both the Big Data in Psychology Conference (June 7-9) and the Research Synthesis Conference (June 10-12).

The topic "information literacy" will be discussed at tomorrow's conference at the University of Hildesheim.

PsychData currently contains 172 research data sets from 56 studies. 

PsychOpen is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Social Psychological Bulletin

The database of ZPID adds psychology to the wide range of subjects within the field of life sciences.

The Big Data in Psychology Conference will take place from June 7-9, the Research Synthesis Conference from June 10-12.

ZPID advised the working group of the German Council of Science and Humanities and supported it with data and analyses.

Another PsychOpen journal will be indexed by this international database.

One week left to submit an abstract for the "Big Data in Psychology" and "Research Synthesis" conferences to be held at the Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information, Trier, Germany.

The Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information (ZPID) presents itself with a new corporate design and a new homepage.

ZPID supports open science. This also includes preregistration of studies. Two international trailblazers of preregistration came to Trier for a corresponding workshop.

In the future, please use the free multilingual search portal PubPsych, which contains a significant part of PsychSpider’s contents.

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID is suitable to explicitly allocate scientific work to its researcher. ZPID supports the mission.

International keynote speakers and the opportunity to present your own research - check out the information about our twin conference in June.

The longtime manager of the documentation department of ZPID, Jürgen Wiesenhütter, has retired. Along with the new manager, Veronika Kuhberg, the name of the department changes as well.

Both teams will cooperate in several branches of distinguished topics regarding contemporary survey methodology.

Chris Chambers strives to make scientific research more transparent and promotes study preregistration. In January, the psychology professor will give a keynote talk at ZPID.

The project »Process-oriented development of management tools for research data in its life cycle« (PODMAN) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the duration of two years.

The approved project strengthens the profile of ZPID as a scientific research support organization.

Contact person

Bettina Leuchtenberg M.A.
Public Relations

+49 (0)651 201-2028
