DAAD funded exchange project between ZPID and the University of Ljubljana successfully completed

Productive exchange and several publications, one awarded - the evidence-based survey methodology project between ZPID and Slovenian researchers from the University of Ljubljana has been a success.

The overall goal of the exchange was to pursue three streams of research. Firstly, to provide insights into current and prospective usage scenarios of meta-analysis in survey methodology, especially in relation to survey operations. Secondly, to provide insights into the cognitive processes of respondent’s behavior in relation to response time measurement in web surveys. And lastly, to provide insights into usability research in survey methodology, particularly for questionnaires for smartphones, apps for implementing mobile questionnaires, questionnaires for specific target groups, and validation of time measurements.

The project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) which allowed short term stays for the researchers in the two different countries. Workshops were  organized on performing systematic reviews and meta-analysis in the area of survey methodology for M.Sc. and PhD students in Ljubljana, for example, or Slovenian researcher Andraž Petrovčič gave a talk at ZPID on "Age-Friendly Design of Smartphones. A must or an option today?".

"The exchange was tremendously fruitful", says project manager and ZPID director Prof. Michael Bosnjak. "One publication resulting from this exchange published in 2018 has received the Slovenian Research Agency's (ARRS) award 'Excellent in Science 2019: Most Outstanding Research Achievements in Inspiration to the Younger Generation' in the field of social sciences and humanities." All of the named goals of the project have been exceeded by far. 

The following publications were facilitated by the exchange:

  • Batzdorfer, V., Steinmetz, H., & Bosnjak, M. (in Druck). Big Data in der Radikalisierungsforschung: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit. Psychologische Rundschau.
  • Burgard, T., Wedderhoff, N., &  Bosnjak, M. (in Druck). Konditionierungseffekte in Panel-Untersuchungen: Systematische Übersichtsarbeit und Meta-Analyse am Beispiel sensitiver Fragen. Psychologische Rundschau.
  • Čehovin, G., Bosnjak, M., & Lozar-Manfreda, K. (2018). Meta-analyses in survey methodology: A systematic review. Public Opin-on Quarterly, 82(4), 641–660.
  • Čehovin, G., Bosnjak, M., & Lozar Manfreda, K. (under review). Item nonresponse in Web versus other survey modes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Science Computer Review.
  • Daikeler, J., Bosnjak, M., & Lozar-Manfreda, K. (2019). Web versus other survey modes: An updated and extended meta-analysis comparing response rates. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 1-27.