Our products and services for your scientific work
Our services are aimed at scientists in psychology, including junior scientists. In addition, our services are directed to practitioners, students of psychology and related disciplines, as well as the interested public (including the media and politics). Our services are oriented towards an ideal research cycle that encompasses a total of six related phases. They are intended to cover needs of users that usually exist in these different phases. Furthermore, the application of sustainable development strategies, compliance with high standards of data and privacy protection and the application of established standards in the implementation of the development processes and services offered are intended to create sustainable and trustworthy research infrastructures for psychology.
Information search
A reference database for psychological literature from German-speaking countries.
PSYNDEX Interventions
A direct PSYNDEX access point for finding intervention studies and materials.
A database with comprehensive information on more than 8.500 psychological and educational measurement instruments from German-speaking countries.
Open Test Archive
An archive with more than 220 psychological tests in open access with free download.
A tool for exploring psychological research topics and trends.
A platform with information on more than 1,100 researchers with a background in German-speaking psychology.
Psychology links for the general public, students, researchers and practitioners - quality checked and annotated. A service of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) and the Federation of German Psychologists' Associations (BDP, DGPs).
Archiving & Publication
A discipline-specific repository for psychology that supports the archiving of a total of 20 different digital research object types, ranging from preprints and datasets to videos and code.
A research data center accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD), which supports researchers in psychology and related disciplines in the quality-assured curation of research data and offers various access routes for the scientific use of these data corpora.
An open access publication platform that currently publishes 15 psychology journals according to the Diamond Open Access standard.
A publication platform that enables accessing meta-analytic datasets, reproducing meta-analyses and dynamically updating evidence from new primary studies collaboratively.
A submission platform for preregistrations that also provides information and support materials on the process.