Information and Retrieval Services
We offer a range of databases and information resources for psychology.
Not only do they provide important information about scientific publications, testing methods, and authors from the German-speaking psychology community, but they also offer users the possibility to download psychometric instruments and plain-language summaries of metaanalyses.
Contact person
Dipl.-Psych. Katja Trillitzsch
Head of Information Services
+49 (0)651 201-2922kt(at)leibniz-psychology.org
Our publicly accessible search portal references more than two million psychology publications, test procedures, intervention programs, and research data sets. PubPsych allows searching across the databases PSYNDEX, PSYNDEX Tests, MEDLINE, ERIC, ISOC-PsicologĂa, NARCIS, NORART, and Pascal as well as PsychOpen Gold journal articles and the Research Data Center at ZPID.
The database PSYNDEX includes bibliographic references of all psychological literature produced in German-speaking countries since 1977. The database contains bibliographic information and subject-specific indexing of more than 410,000 records in German and English (including reference lists from 2009 onwards). PSYNDEX is designed to allow comparative searches with international databases such as PsycINFO and PubMed.
PSYNDEX Interventions
PSYNDEX Interventions provides a convenient search entry point to search the PSYNDEX database for intervention studies and resources. It is possible to search for efficacy and effectiveness studies of differing empirical levels (case studies, randomized studies, and metaanalyses) for various types of interventions and clinical issues. Publication references for scientifically based intervention programs and treatment manuals - some with detailed program descriptions - as well as for treatment guidelines, experience reports, patient information, and self-help literature are also included.
The PSYNDEX Tests database is a comprehensive source of information on psychological and educational test procedures. Following standardized criteria, scales, questionnaires, interview methods, observation techniques, testing apparatuses, computer-based diagnostic methods, and other diagnostic instruments from all areas of psychology and educational science used in German-speaking countries are described and evaluated. More than 8,600 test descriptions are included, of which approximately 4,000 are described in depth.
Open Test Archive
This open-access repository features over 230 test instruments from various areas of psychology and related disciplines. After developing and validating them scientifically, test developers make them available to other researchers and educators for download at no charge under a protected Creative Commons license. Clinical assessment instruments for practitioners are also available.
PsychAuthors is a platform for authors providing information on the works of more than 1,100 published researchers in the German-speaking psychology community. Details of their professional career and current place of employment are included, as well as a list of publications indexed in PSYNDEX - with a direct link to the corresponding publication record.
KLARpsy provides information and interactive content for the interested public. Our KLARpsy texts summarize research findings from psychological reviews in easy-to-understand language. Working together with our test readers, we create the KLARpsy texts on various topics in psychology. The plain-language summaries are complemented by the KLARsaurus, our interactive dictionary of psychological terms.
PsychTopics is our tool for exploring research topics and trends in psychology. The tool provides an automated overview of how the psychological research literature from German-speaking countries is evolving and identifies the most frequently addressed topics.
With PsychPorta, we are developing a search engine for psychological resources based on a semantic data model for psychology developed at ZPID. We provide a knowledge graph that is fed by the PSYNDEX database (with literature and test references), personal and institutional standard data, the Research Data Center, the PsychArchives and Open Test Archive repositories, and the open-access publishing platform PsychOpen Gold. The content will be available as linked data, readable by humans and machines and will be interoperably reusable. The search engine is currently in preparation and is expected to be presented to the public at the end of 2025.