
In a study preregistration, researchers specify the details of the research design, sample, and planned statistical analyses and submit this information to a repository prior to data collection. This practice increases the transparency of the research process and serves as a safeguard against questionable research practices such as "HARKing" (hypothesizing after results are known).

ZPID supports the preregistration of studies via the PreReg in Psychology platform by: 

  • offering templates for preparing preregistrations and reporting deviations,
  • providing informational resources on preregistration, and
  • connecting users to a disciplinary repository.

Preregistrations submitted to PreReg in Psychology are archived with a timestamp and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) in PsychArchives, ZPID’s psychology repository, making them citable.

For more information, please visit  PreReg in Psychology or contact us directly if any questions remain!