New Name, New Look

ZPID's test archive will be called Open Test Archive. Its web presence is also new.

"The test archive has become more clearly arranged, more attractive, and more user-friendly," says Gülay Karadere, responsible for the test archive. "Various contents and functionalities have been added as well. For example, the information search field and the supplementary information for each test, providing a concise overview of test-relevant data as well as a short and a detailed test description. 

Also worth mentioning is the newly developed feedback form, which facilitates contact with the test's authors. Moreover, test users can now find the test authors' address and information directly in the test archive. 

The name of the test archive has also changed. It now operates under the name "Open Test Archive." "The new name now shows more clearly that the contents of the test archive are available without restriction and include no test procedures protected by licensing law. In addition, the English name is internationally understandable," says Dr. Veronika Kuhberg-Lasson, head of information services at ZPID. 

In order to support the open-science idea in research, the licensing form has also been changed. From now on only test procedures with the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0 will be made available online and free of charge. The copyright remains with the test authors.

With about 200 psychological tests, the Open Test Archive is one of the largest repositories for German-language open-access tests. It continuously provides users with psychological tests for research, teaching and practice. 

We are constantly looking for scientists and scholars who wish to make their tests available within the open-access framework. Gülay Karadere will be happy to answer any questions and explain the exact procedure.

The test archive can be accessed via the website

Contact Person

Gülay Karadere
Open Test Archive

+49 (0)651 201-4934