ZPID at the conference "Consequences of Conspiracy Theories"

Talks at the School of Psychology at the University of Kent

Twice in a talk and twice in a blitz: Prof. Dr. Kai Sassenberg and Dr. Svenja Frenzel represented the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) at the conference "Consequences of Conspiracy Theories". 

In two blitz talks, Kai Sassenberg spoke on the topics of "Dissatisfaction with climate policy and climate related conspiracy beliefs predict support for disruptive climate protest" and "Against the wind: Conspiracy mentality predicts endorsement of misinformation about wind farms".

Svenja Frenzel focused in her talk on the pandemic's aftermath and how conspiracy beliefs predict changes in procedural justice and polarization. 

In addition, Kai Sassenberg was also part of another talk titled "Conspiracy beliefs and well-being: Longitudinal effects and the role of sharing the beliefs with close others".

The conference was organized by the CONSPIRACY_FX research group at the University of Kent and supported by the European Research Council (ERC). The conference took place on June 28 and 29, 2024 at the University of Kent in Canterbury.


Bettina Leuchtenberg
Kommunikation und Events
+49 (0)651 201-2028