Symposium with Manuel Voelkle and Charles Driver at ZPID

ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information organizes a symposium on the topic of "intensive longitudinal data" (ILD). Deadline for submissions is February 15.

The analysis of longitudinal data has always been seen and promoted as a promising and
fruitful approach for gaining insights into the change and dynamics of phenomena and to
address problems for inferring causal effects often difficult in cross-sectional data.

Due to the rise of technical devices such fitness trackers, smartphones or studies adopting intensive longitudinal designs, the resulting data not only offers very interesting insights into the dynamics of the phenomena but also imposes analytical challenges.

In this focused one-day symposium, we invite researchers in and out of psychological fields to present their research and experiences.

Keynote speakers will be Manuel Voelkle (HU University of Berlin) and Charles Driver (Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development). The symposium will take place on April 2, 2020, in Trier, Germany. 

How to register and submit: 
Please register to the symposium by sending an email to Holger Steinmetz (hs(at) Please state your name, affiliation, and email address. If you wish to present at this symposium, please submit a structured abstract to the aforementioned address.

Submission fee: None

Deadline for your submission: February 15, 2020.

Deadline for your registration (only participant): March 26, 2020

For details and submission guidelines, please see: 

Contact Person

Dr. Holger Steinmetz
Head of Big Data

+49 (0)651 201-2930