The PSYNDEX database continues to provide the most comprehensive documentation of psychological and educational test procedures that have been developed and applied in or translated for use in the German-speaking countries.
Internationally, this collection is one of the most comprehensive in the field of testing and diagnostics. Currently (as of June 4, 2019), PSYNDEX Tests includes 7,832 test records. These comprise 3,753 comprehensive test descriptions ("PSYNDEX Tests Review"), 343 brief descriptions ("PSYNDEX Tests Abstract") as well as 3,736 references with bibliographic information and indexing ("PSYNDEX Tests Info").
Most of the brief summaries focus on research instruments whereas published test procedures, due to their higher significance, are often presented and evaluated in more detail. The Test Procedures Directory is available (as a download); it provides a quick overview of the tests that have been documented in PSYNDEX as well as a compilation of external test reviews.
To provide the most up-to-date test information, recent releases of relevant tests and books are also featured in the blog "Recently Released Tests and Books in Test Diagnostics".