Third Edition of the Psychological Assessment Board's Test Evaluation System Now Available

The third version of the Test Evaluation System represents a significant step forward in quality assurance and optimization in psychological test diagnostics.

The Test Evaluation System, published by the Psychological Assessment Board of the Federation of German Psychologists' Associations ("Diagnostik- und Testkuratorium der Föderation Deutscher Psychologenvereinigungen", DTK), allows to evaluate published test procedures via checklist regarding the completeness of the given information ("DTK test information standard"). Furthermore, this publication also serves as a guideline for the development of high-quality tests and for the design of manuals.

Changes in the third edition include an increased focus on the information that is available for each specific test instrument. The quality control of test procedures often fails because the necessary information cannot be found in the referenced publications.

Certification As Quality Seal

To overcome this limitation, a tabular overview is required which explicitly lists the location (i.e., page numbers) of the relevant information for quality control.

In addition, authors are now able to provide self-declarations, i.e., the test providers or test authors themselves can directly apply for certification from the Psychological Assessment Board. This certification verifies that all required information for quality control has been provided.

Within a cooperation framework, the activities of the Psychological Assessment Board are highlighted in ZPID's web presence and includes the assessment criteria, the specific tasks of the Psychological Assessment Board, and related literature as well as all previous test reviews (TBS-TK).

The Diagnostic and Test Board (DTK) encourages all colleagues to register as reviewers for TBS-DTK tests. Formal prerequisite is a doctorate degree.