Find Open Access Publications More Easily in PubPsych

The PubPsych information portal has improved full-text supply for its users.

On the one hand, access to full texts that are linked with search results has been improved. If a freely accessible full text is available, the PubPsych user will now find the link to it clearly visible below the search result. On the other hand, a filter option was created to search exclusively for open-ccess publications, which is of particular benefit to users without an institutional affiliation.

"As a public open-science institute, we want to make open-access publications as easy accessible as possible for our users," says ZPID's Roland Ramthun, explaining the reason for this adjustment in the presentation of PubPsych search results. 

The update also integrates the Unpaywall data source, which can be used to find legal open-access publications. "If there is an entry in our literature database that belongs to a full text, both are directly linked to each other," says Ramthun. Additional open-access publications can thus be discovered and made available to PubPsych users.

As a complementary measure, the integration of the U.S. National Library of Medicine's reference database MEDLINE has been optimized, and even more psychologically relevant literature from MEDLINE can be found directly via PubPsych.

PubPsych is freely accessible and contains more than 1.7 million references to psychological literature, test procedures, intervention programs and research data.

Contact Person

Roland Ramthun
Deputy Head of Archiving and Publication Services

+49 (0)651 201-2861