Abstract Submission and Registration for ZPID Twin Conference in June Is Now Open

International keynote speakers and the opportunity to present your own research - check out the information about our twin conference in June.

[Translate to English:] Das ZPID in Trier.

Early bird registration for the ZPID Twin Conference »Big Data in Psychology« (June 7-9, 2018) and »Research Synthesis« (June 10-12, 2018) taking place in Trier, Germany, is now available online at: www.conferences.leibniz-psychology.org.

Researchers presenting their research are granted a reduced registration fee and are invited to submit a structured abstract. Detailed submission guidelines are available under the following link: Author Guidelines. Abstracts should be submitted by February 15, 2018, and decisions about acceptance/refusal will be made by February 28, 2018.

About the Big Data in Psychology 2018 Conference: 
The availability of big data is more and more common in many fields including business, computer science, government, social and behavioral sciences, and psychology. The overall aim of the Big Data Conference is to address methods and applications using big data in psychology.

International keynote speakers encompass: 

  • Mike Cheung, National University of Singapore. Testing model driven hypotheses with Big Data.
  • Katrijn van Deun, Tilburg University. Big Data in Psychology: Statistical methods for linked high-dimensional with tradition data.
  • Andreas Brandmaier, Max Planck Institute for Human Development. Structural Equation Model Trees and Forests.
  • Michael Neale, Virginia Commonwealth University. Structural Equation Modeling of Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • Fred Oswald, Rice University. Title to be announced soon.

Further details: http://bigdata2018.leibniz-psychology.org

About the Research Synthesis 2018 Conference: 
The Research Synthesis Conference’s aim is to address hotspot topics in all sections of psychology and related fields with the aid of research synthesis methods. Today, research synthesis techniques such as systematic reviews and meta-analyses are standard methods for aggregating results from thematically related research in psychology. They are used to describe the state of the art in a research field, to test and/or compare theories, and to derive conclusions about the effectiveness of interventions.

International keynote speakers encompass: 

  • Frank Bosco, Virginia Commonwealth University. metaBUS: Summarizing and visualizing one million findings in psychology.
  • Mike Cheung, National University of Singapore. Bridging meta-analysis and standard statistical methods.
  • Daniel Lakens, Eindhoven University of Technology. Title to be announced soon.
  • Wolfgang Viechtbauer, Maastricht University. Title to be announced soon.
  • Wim Van Den Noortgate, KU Leuven. Using multilevel models for the meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes.

Further details: http://researchsynthesis2018.leibniz-psychology.org


Lisa Wabner
Conference manager