Test Sharing

The Open Test Archive of the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID)

Researchers from various areas of psychology and related disciplines can publish their tests in the Open Test Archive. This repository primarily hosts research instruments made available for free reuse. Currently, it includes 244 different open access tests.

According to Gülay Karadere, who oversees the ZPID service, there are numerous benefits for test authors. She assists users in finalizing the documentation, particularly in preparing the test description, until the test materials are published on the Open Test Archive website. To improve discoverability, test packages are assigned a DOI and are licensed under Creative Commons. The details of published tests can be continuously updated and expanded, such as by adding new validation results or additional test materials. Usage statistics can also be collected upon request.

Plans are in place to supplement the test procedures with online versions. For more information about the service, please visit our website.




Bettina Leuchtenberg
Kommunikation und Events
+49 (0)651 201-2028