ZPID Awarded with Certificate audit workandfamily

ZPID has been honored for its strategically designed family and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. Federal Minister Dr. Franziska Giffey awarded the certificate in Berlin.

The audit workandfamily (berufundfamilie) serves as strategic management tool to support companies and institutions in implementing a sustainable family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. ZPID has successfully passed the audit and is now entitled to carry the certificate for three years. During this period it is required to pursue the family and life-phase-conscious measures agreed in a target agreement. The practical implementation is reviewed annually.
Dr. Gabriel Schui, Managing Director of ZPID: "We are very pleased to be able to document the already high standards in the compatibility of work, family and private life with the certificate and to further expand them by participating in the auditioning process and firmly implement them in our organizational culture."
Dr. Franziska Giffey, patron of the audit and Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, attended the award ceremony in Berlin. Giffey said about family-oriented personnel policy: "This must be lived in everyday work, in communication, in the interaction between employees and managers - for women and men equally, in all phases of life and at all levels of qualification. The audit workandfamily helps to ensure that everyone involved can see and feel what a family-oriented corporate culture can look like."

Various offers for the compatibility of work, family and private life

Among other things, ZPID offers its employees flexible working hours, various part-time models and a high degree of flexibility in emergencies. Existing and future measures of ZPID are summarized in a short portrait for certification (in German only).
The audit workandfamily is the central offer of berufundfamilie Service GmbH and is based on an initiative of the non-profit Hertie Foundation. Certificates for the audit workandfamily were first awarded in 1999. The audit can be used in all sectors and for different company sizes. The audit records the status quo of the family and life cycle measures already offered, systematically develops the individual potential of the company/organization and ensures that family awareness is anchored in corporate culture by means of binding target agreements.

After successful completion of this process, an independent board of trustees, who are prominently represented with representatives from industry, academia, politics and associations, decides upon the issue of the certificate for the audit.