Award Presentation Ceremony Postponed

Presentation of the German Psychology Prize 2021 to Prof. Dr. Cornelia Betsch rescheduled for late summer 2022

The German Association of Psychologists (BDP, Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen), the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists (BPtK, Bundespsychotherapeutenkammer), the German Psychological Society (DGPs, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie), and the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID, Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie), have made the decision to postpone the festive award ceremony originally scheduled for April, 1, 2021, in Berlin. The awardee Cornelia Betsch is ill with COVID and the executing institutions sincerely wish her a good recovery. A new date for the ceremony is envisaged for late summer 2022.

On the planned day of the award, the supporting program with scientific presentations will be presented online. Subsequently, the presentations will be made available to the public.

Information about the new date will be published on the homepages of the four participating institutions and on

The award winner

Cornelia Betsch is a professor at the University of Erfurt. Her research includes health communication and social aspects of health decisions, especially in the context of vaccination and opposition to vaccination. She works together with the Federal Centre for Health Education, the Robert Koch Institute, and the World Health Organization.

From the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, Cornelia Betsch has repeatedly surveyed the general public about their knowledge of the virus as well as their perceptions of risk, protective behaviors, and trust in political decisions. The results of the "COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring" - COSMO for short - continue to generate widespread public interest up to the present moment.



Bettina Leuchtenberg
Kommunikation und Events
+49 (0)651 201-2028