DAAD - The German Academic Exchange Service funds the exchange program between ZPID - Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information and the University of Ljubljana since 2017. It is entitled "Evidence-based data collection methodology". One publication resulting from this exchange has received the Slovenian Research Agency's (ARRS) award "Excellent in Science 2019: Most Outstanding Research Achievements in Inspiration to the Younger Generation" in the field of social sciences and humanities.
The paper, entitled "Meta-Analyses in Survey Methodology: A Systematic Review", was published in the top-tier journal Public Opinion Quarterly and authored by Dr. Gregor Čehovin (University of Ljubljana), Prof. Dr. Michael Bosnjak (ZPID), and Prof. Dr. Katja Lozar Manfreda (University of Ljubljana). According to the award committee, the paper contributes significantly to promoting the use of this research method by presenting gaps in current research and highlighting opportunities for new meta-analyses.
Excellent in Science is a national-level project implemented by ARRS in the context of promoting science. Each year, all heads of research programs and projects are invited to submit proposals for evaluation. The selection of achievements to be awarded is made by the members of the Agency's Scientific Research Councils. This year, the award "Excellent in Science" was presented as part of the event "ARRS Day 2019: We Support Excellence", which was held on Tuesday, 19 November 2019, in Ljubljana. The event was supported by the honorable patronage of Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia.
"This award highlights the importance and value of international cooperation in our area, and is a success story not only for us awardees, but also for DAAD and its mission to foster scholarly exchange", says ZPID director Michael Bosnjak.