Das Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) lädt Interessierte im Rahmen seiner Kolloquiumsreihe herzlich ein. Am Mittwoch, dem 29. Januar 2025 von 14-15 Uhr spricht Dr. Paul Bertin, Wissenschaftler an der Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. SeinThema lautet: "The Trilemma of Psychological Sciences and its Consequences on Open Science Practices".
Das Kolloquium findet in englischer Sprache im Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) am Standort im Wissenschaftspark (EG, Raum 02.14, Max-Planck-Straße 22, 54296 Trier) und auch online statt. Nach der Anmeldung unter events(at)leibniz-psychology.org versenden wir gerne den Link zur-Online-Veranstaltung, vor Ort kann man ohne Anmeldung teilnehmen.
The past decade has emphasized the importance of transparency for robust psychological research. However, transparent research has a cost, and it is hardly compatible with both conceptual novelty and statistical consistency across multiple studies. I propose that these three criteria can be conceptualized as a trilemma: fulfilling two of them considerably reduces the probability of satisfying the third one. An article testing a novel idea and transparently reporting evidence is likely to include some null findings that impede consistency. An article transparently reporting consistent findings probably will acknowledge a replication effort that does not seek theoretical advances. Finally, an article presenting consistent evidence through multiple studies for a novel idea is not likely to be transparent.
At a practical level, I argue that the pressure of the trilemma poses a threat for transparency, which is less tangible and historically important in the evaluation of research articles than the two other criteria. Therefore, while the open science movement grows in importance, the pressure of the trilemma may encourage an opportunistic use of open science practices as a form of virtue signalling compensating for low transparency. I will present preliminary data testing this hypothesis, and will review potential solutions to break the pressure of the trilemma.