What is Open Science? 


In the kick-off event of the series "Practices and Tools of Open Science" we will give an introduction to the topic "Open Science". For this purpose, the core elements of pre-registration, Open Data and Open Material and Open Access will be introduced and illustrated with short practical examples. You will learn about the importance of the FAIR principle and a number of tools that can be used to implement Open Science very concretely in psychology studies as well as in a job in research. We will also look at so-called questionable research practices (QRPs). At the end, you will be able to classify terms like "p-hacking" and "HARKing" and know why they undermine the resilience of psychological studies and how to avoid them. Finally, we will show how openness and transparency are related to good scientific practice and why it is worthwhile to address them already in your studies.

The event will be held as a lecture with interactive elements, so there will be many opportunities to bring in your own questions or experiences from your studies. Since the event is deliberately designed as a thematic introduction, no prior knowledge or a certain study progress is assumed.

Speaker: Maximilian Frank studied Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and the interdisciplinary Master's program Human Factors in Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. He is doing his PhD in the DFG priority program META-REP on heterogeneity estimation in meta-analyses. As coordinator of the Open Science AG of the Psychology Faculty Conference, he is committed to the dissemination of open research methods and their communication in academic teaching.


Presentation slides: http://dx.doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.6898
