Psychological implications of co-opetition
Förderer: Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG)
Laufzeit: 31.03.2027
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Kai Sassenberg
Mitarbeiter: Dr. Claudia Araya
Psychological research often compares circumstances that suggest cooperation with ones that suggest competition. Those situations tend to be perceived as opposite poles of one dimension, however, many real-world situations involve both situations simultaneously. For example, employees on a team must cooperate while competing for promotion or recognition from superiors, or team athletes practice together while competing for a place on the team in the next game. The intraindividual conflict created by co-opetition might have positive consequences in cognitive flexibility and bias reduction. By studying the underlying cognitive processes, we aim to better understand the effects of everyday situations characterized by co-opetition.
Dr. Claudia Araya
Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiterin
+49 (0)651 201-2048 cla(at)leibniz-psychology.org