Yi-Hsiu Chen, M.A.
Research Associate
+49 (0) 651 201-2804yc(at)leibniz-psychology.org
- Contact person of the disciplinary repository PsychArchives for technical matters in the area of content recruitment
- Technical development, implementation and optimization of internal and external ingest processes (Data Pipelines)
- Quality assurance and metadata maintenance
Conference Papers
Chen, Y.-H., Franke, H., Müller, M.-L., Gerhards, L., Königs, A., Weiland, P., Baier, C., Kock, M., & Studtrucker, R. (2024, June). Quality Assurance in Service of Transparency: A Practice Report from PsychArchives, the Disciplinary Repository for Psychology. Paper presentation at the 19th International Conference on Open Repositories, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Gerhards, L., Chen, Y.-H., Königs, A., Müller, M.-L., Studtrucker, R., Kock, M., Baier, C., & Weiland, P. (2024, June). PsychArchives, the Disciplinary Repository for Psychological Science. Poster presentation at the 19th International Conference on Open Repositories, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Chen, Y.-H. & Gerhards, L. (2023, March). PsychArchives: Disciplinary Repository for Psychological Science. Demonstration given at the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier University, Germany.
Chen, Y.-H. & Gerhards, L. (2023, March). PsychArchives: Disciplinary Repository for Psychological Science. Poster presented at the 65th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Trier University, Germany.