Prof. Dr. Kai Sassenberg


+49 (0) 651 201-2963


  • Associate professor at the University of Groningen (NL) 2007; full professor at Univerity of Tübingen and Head of the Social Processes Lab at Leibniz Institut für Wissensmedien 2008-2023
  • PhD in Psychology (Dr. rer. nat.) 1999, University of Göttingen


Research interests

Social influence, Bias reduction, Metascience

Selected Publications

  • Sassenberg, K. & Winter, K. (2024). Intraindividual conflicts reduce the polarization of attitudes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 33, 190-197.

  • Winter, K., Hornsey, M. J., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2024). Public agreement with misinformation about wind farms. Nature Communications, 15(1), 8888.

  • Sassenberg, K., Bertin, P., Douglas, K.M., & Hornsey, M.J. (2023). Editorial: Engaging with conspiracy theories: Causes and consequences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 105. 104425.

  • Sassenberg, K., Winter, K., Becker, D., Ditrich, L., Moskowitz, G.B., & Scholl, A. (2022). Flexibility mindsets: Reducing biases that result from spontaneous processing. European Review of Social Psychology, 33, 171-213. *shared first-authorship

  • Scholl, A., Ellemers, N., Scheepers, D., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Construal of power as opportunity or responsibility. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 65, 57-107.

  • Winter, K., Hornsey, M. J., Pummerer, L., & Sassenberg, K. (2022). Anticipating and defusing the role of conspiracy beliefs in shaping opposition to wind farms. Nature Energy, 7, 1200-1207.

  • Winter, K., Scholl, A., & Sassenberg, K. (2021). A matter of flexibility: Changing outgroup attitudes through messages with negations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 956–976.

  • Sassenberg, K., & Ditrich, L. (2019). Research in Social Psychology has changed between 2011 and 2016: Larger sample sizes, more self-report measures, and more online studies. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2, 107-114.

  • Sassenberg, K., & Scholl, A. (2019). Linking regulatory focus and threat–challenge: Transitions between and outcomes of four motivational states. European Review of Social Psychology, 30, 174-215.

  • Sassenberg, K., & Hamstra, M.R.W. (2017). The intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics of self-regulation in the leadership process. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 193-257.

  • Sassenberg, K., & Vliek, M. (Eds.). (2019). Social Psychology in action evidence-based interventions from theory to practice. New York: Springer.