Open Access stands for unlimited and free access to quality-tested scientific information on the internet. By eliminating technical, financial and legal barriers, Open Access helps accelerate scientific innovation processes and improve the visibility of research results. Researchers are thus supported in their research and publication processes and the benefits of publicly funded research maximized. As a member of the Leibniz Association ZPID is committed to Open Access. It follows the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge and the Open Access Policy of the Leibniz Association 2016-2020 (PDF). Moreover, in its capacity as a research-based information infrastructure organization ZPID views itself as a public open science institute for psychology.
Recommendations and commitments
ZPID encourages its scientists to publish their research findings according to the Open Access Principle. At ZPID first publications initially appear in open access publication media and – legal terms permitting – are made available in parallel or subsequently on its own repository PsychArchives as quickly as possible. By first publications under open access conditions ZPID recommends publishing under a free use license (e.g., Creative Commons Attribution).
In the case of a parallel or subsequent open access publication, ZPID scientists involved in contracting with publishers are asked not to give publishers the exclusive right to use publications, but - as far as possible - to permanently secure their own right of exploitation and to secure a simple unrestricted right of use transferable to ZPID. Only thereby can, in addition to the eventual commercial use by publishers, free access be guaranteed. ZPID recommends that when applying for projects its scientists also acquire funds for open access publications.
ZPID also sees research data as a valuable result of its research. In dealing with research data, ZPID orients itself on the corresponding recommendations of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs).
ZPID itself provides the infrastructure services necessary for data collection and evaluation as well as archiving and accessibility (see below) and makes these available to the field of psychology. It requires its scientists to use these services in their own research work and in addition (for example, by feedback on the usability of the services) to actively contribute to their further development.
ZPID promotes open access by addressing the entire research cycle in psychology - consisting of the phases information search, study planning, preregistering studies, data collection, data analysis, data archiving and publishing with an open, integrated Infrastructure. This includes:
- the psychology search portal PubPsych, which includes among others the reference databases PSYNDEX and PSYNDEX Tests
- the collaborative study planning and analysis web application PsychNotebook
- the preregistration platform Registered Reports in Psychology
- the online and offline data collection service PsychLab
- the repository PsychArchives, which not only includes publications but also research data, evaluation scripts and audiovisual media
- the open access publishing platform PsychOpen (Gold/Green/CAMA)
Furthermore, ZPID promotes Open Access by:
- identifying publications of its scientists whose free access is legally permitted (e.g., by integration with publication management) and offering them via PsychArchives.
- providing freely available publications of its scientists to LeibnizOpen.
- providing its scientists upon request by the respective division heads with funding possibilities for open access publication fees.
- informing and advising its scientists about Open Access and clarifying legal issues related to open access publishing of their research results.
For this purpose, ZPID has set up the position of an Open Access contact person.
Status: August 8, 2018
Contact person
Dr. Katarina Blask
Head of Archiving and Publication Services
+49 (0)651 201-2872kb(at)leibniz-psychology.org